ohedo julia night ☆

call me sam/reo!

welcome to my vocaloid side account! i also like miku a lot!! my main is @oreosampai

BYF i have my own vocaloid hcs! please don't assume i like problematic things, i also rt a lot DNI pedo/incest supporter, lgbtphobic, need my favs tagged, usual dni criteria

any prns
bi aroace

ships i like
kaimiku, meiluka, gumiku, gakukai, seeuni, any miku ship lol


includes only vocaloid six for now, i don't really have a set hc in mind for the others yet

miku(20), rin(16-18), len(16-18), kaito(20-21), meiko(20-24), luka(20-23)

also know that these are just my personal hcs! i don't really expect anyone to have the same hcs as me; sometimes i change them depending on portrayal (e.g. leoni vsingers are highschoolers)

miku(pan), rin(lesbian), len(???), kaito(bi), meiko(lesbian), luka(bi)

kaimiku is my biggest comfort ship! everyone has different hcs on vocaloid and i've always seen kaito as around miku's age ever since i was young. however, it's understandable if seeing them romantically makes you uncomfy, so please dni/block me so we wont come across each other!!!

more notes

i'm very uncomfortable with shipping rin and len with each other AND with the others in the vocaloid 6 other than miku, and i hc rin and len as siblings!i don't care about pjsekai vs vocaloid discourse i will mute/block it once i see it bc its so annoying sorry

that's all! thank you so much for reading <3